I’ve updated the website – you might have noticed if you’ve been here before. I’ve tried to simplify it both in appearance and ease of use, because I’ve never been happy with the appearance. I’ve switched to a free WordPress theme; the old ‘Astra Pro’ theme is up for renewal, and I’m trying to keep costs down. I’ve long suspected the previous theme had some bugs – it wouldn’t connect to ‘Ulysses’, for example. Top tip: don’t use ‘Astra Pro’! Most free WordPress themes are perfectly usable, and have fewer bugs.

The landing page now contains blog posts. It’s an art site, so I’m still not sure if it shouldn’t land on a gallery page, but given I do intend to write about art as well as produce it, that’s shouldn’t be an issue. It certainly looks smarter, and takes you straight to content and not a static page.

The shop is still empty, though – I need to work out postage prices, packaging, and other such technicalities before I can commit to selling work. Which I need to do, because this website doesn’t pay for itself, and it needs to! If you do see something on here you like, please do get in touch and I’m sure we can agree something in the meantime.

Anyway – let me know what you think. You might hate it! Bear in mind I can’t afford to pay a professional for producing it yet, this is all my own work. But I’ll listen to constructive feedback, advice, suggestions – happy to listen. And, thanks for having a look!

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